Event aftermovies
Event films we have made together with a team of talented people.
This usually consists of unique filming script for each event, 3 - 7 videographers who each have shot list and many hours in the editing room directing, cutting, coloring and designing sound and sound FX.
Commercials we have made for various events and brands.
Majority of our team's work is for event producers (Ghetto Games, Latvian Sports federation, basketball team VEF Riga)
As mayority of our work is for the largest youth movement in Europe - Ghetto Games, we find making short and even feature lenght documentaries a great way to talk with young people. Many of our documentaries have been shown in the biggest cinemas in Latvia.
Other projects
Various projects with different production levels for various brands and level of fun.
Noteworthy bits and pieces
One thing we are sure about - we won't be famous Youtube vloggers but making travel or BTS videos is always fun.